Once we've left Marana we are headed past Tuscon early in the morn and into the desert. That word "desert" always makes me think of my mom. She said the way she remembered the difference between "desert" and "dessert" spelling ... was that you always wanted two of the "dessert" ... therefore the two "ss"! The farther we got into the desert, I knew for certain, that I did not want two of this! There was subtle vegetation changes but still endless, arid stretches with hardly distinguishable variety in the color of the hills. Somewhere near midway across we stop at the exit hosting the "Desert Fox" Museum and are nearly blow over by the powerful wind. Forget it, I'm staying in the RV. Returning to the freeway I catch sight of these once-upon-a-time Palm trees. Look at the poor things ... their green parts were totally blown away. Literally!!! My attempt at finding a pretty side of the desert emerged with this lil' sketch ... that's the best I could do.
Finally we begin seeing signs of humanity. Actually, more signage was one of the first signs, then eventually, one of my favorite sights of welcoming, the friendly, waving wind turbines! They seem to be just so glad to see you they have to stand up and wave "hello"! Went painting the scene, I just couldn't help myself from continuing the colorful road directional all along, forming a partial border on my page!
After a rather dismal nights stay at a "not-to-be-revisted" RV resort in Cathedral City we head north. After Mexico and the desert (with one "s"), the extravagance and commercialism of the LA area is overwhelming. We hasten thru the smog, the Grapevine, and finally landing near Los Banos. There we have contacted a dear friend who drives over to have dinner with us. What a treat ... so I end this page with the three of us hugging as we exited the restaurant. Another quiet night of slumber in a large parking lot.
Coin Designs for the Royal Canadian Mint!
10 years ago
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