This glistening Thursday shown with turquoise blue skies and warm sunshine. After our mornin’ yoga and a savory breakfast, we bustle, getting ready for our hike. We’d put of this hike to Thursday, waiting for more perfect weather – and today was just that!
By 10am we were and trekking over the ridge, dropping down into the lovely valley with Duck Lake resting in the palm of granite and green. After poking through the fascinating crumbling cabins of yester-year (great aged wood!) we weave through my beloved aspens groves. I just adore this area. The pristine surroundings, the sparkling lake, the sensual undulating granite!! Just to the left of Duck Lake are these waves of rock. We crawl like ants, poking and prodding from different vantage points in response to an exercise Jean has assigned us. Our aim was to simplify and then, later when we had time to peruse the quick sketches - - take one of our images to full color. Here's my completed page.
By now, it was lunch time and we find cozy dining upon rounded rocks to relish the elegant lunch our Izzy had packed and carried in pack, our “Roasted Vegetable & Goat Cheese Wraps with Romesco Dip, Apple and Chocolate Chip & Cocoa Nib Cookie and a homemade Protein Bar too”. Lovely, eh? And so sophisticated for a back-packed lunch!
Following lunch we proceed with one word exercise and then launch into some free time to start sketching. We love counting the catfish skittering below us in the shallow end but, also begin counting the plumpness of the cumulus clouds beginning to multiply over the ridge. To be wise and avoid being caught in any possible rain storm, we gather ourselves up and braid our way back up to ridge, homeward. It still allowed us silly time, like digging mushrooms (Izzy is a whizz at this!) and also great at being “a tree among trees”.
Once back to the cabins, we relax and refresh, ready for one more creative endeavor: Stamp Making. Subject suggested was something that depicts/epitomizes who “you” are. Here’s Kitty deep in the process and one result.
Our evening was not a let down compared to the already dynamite day … because it was our Finale’ Farewell Dinner. Izzy reached her peak of presentation and flavors and we playfully dished up "Roast Salmon with Israeli Whole Wheat Pearl Cous Cous and Summer Ratatouille (stewed Kale, Chard, Chickpeas and Squash)” and desserted with “Green Cardamom Flan”. She’d truly outdone herself and we fancied every moment of it!
Just another day in “Journaling Retreat” heaven and no relief in sight!
Coin Designs for the Royal Canadian Mint!
10 years ago